Magical Massage Tour


BODHI SUN HEALING CENTER                                                                                                    925 487 6096

2363 Boulevard Circle Suite 1                                                        

Walnut Creek CA 94595 



  TLC * this is who I am, what I believe in, and what I                   choose to do


          TOUCH  when we touch each other,  we create peace and harmony


LAUGHTER  when we laugh together, it is impossible to be scared, angry, or worried


COMMUNE  if, and when we speak, it is with profound intimacy and intensity


The delivery system of this technology is:


MASSAGE FLIGHTS * --are like wine flights! and are designed to provide a                                            client / passenger with the opportunity to experience different and varied styles and qualities of touch  from multiple therapists---and to find their ideal.   This is our revolutionary concept, and it is the foundation and the core curriculum of our :


      designed to teach each of us how to truly feel our emotions and to touch            

 each other; on an elementary and essential level.  The mission of the

 KINDER GARDEN is to transform the human condition through

                                       LESS TALK, MORE TOUCH*


       We conduct and facilitate KINDER-GARDEN* classes at your company,          school, club, family reunion, convention.... Anywhere, anytime.


*this is a never-to-be-patented technology I discovered, invented, and created.

        TLC, like love, and friendship, (and all forms of wealth) does not exist unless it is shared. 



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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